

I'm done with sleeping with notes and text books
Can you believe it?? Can you believe it??
Aww....Is unbelievable, I can't accept the fact that I need to come out to the workforce in few months time...IGNORE....~~ I'm done with my dissertation with deck of papers, done with all my notes and text books; I just don't feel comfortable with the free time that I have now....Anyways, WHATEVER............
I just dont feel like working....not in a mood of working...!! I keen to go for master :P whereby I no need to handle the stress in the workforce; is just way to crucial.
Study life is way too much of fun :) I just can't get rid of it.......C ANT!!
Although there are so much of stress while dealing with course works and exams, well I could take it as an excitement for me :)
By the way, I just feel like furthering my studies.......Praying hard for the answer!!! Eventually, I plan to move to Manchester or Birmingham...finger cross for my result >.
Just wanna say, Ashley Mah can wear the square square thingy on her head ...Woohoooo

After Submission.....woohooo......time to chill out :)

Box of sushi for distress :) is REDUCED PRICE

Can you see it? Can you see it? CAN YOU....The hard work, the stress, the tears, and the MONEY $$$$$$$$ (well, actually is not as thick as you thought )

Time for submission and go for spiral binding!! I'm done

Say bye to all my notes, files, and text books~~

GRADUATE....!! Lovely....

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