

I locking up myself, i hate the way of my life. Sick of it.!!
Ashley say no to this:
-hang out
-phone call
Emo-ing, hope that i will be okie ...just want to silent down for few days and change my stupid character.


Jasmine a.k.a Hui Shin said...

Lei lei, although sweet sweet x know what's going on with u right now, i just let u noe, i will always be there for u... love ya my buddy!

Zheng Wei aka Left footer said...

lei... chill down yourself...

tRacy said...

miss lei lei!
donno what was/is going on even though,
but I know as what you said,you are growing up.
Stay trong and firm!
Not just me I believe,so many of us(pui kee they all also) are always loving you.
Always donno what to say went you shade your tears de....
dont cry ah!
Smile!hehe (>.<)
love you!!!!