

Guys....please use your bloody hell brain to stir and think okie..!!
I'm not pervert nor desperate for sex....
Please make up your mind to think probably okie..!!
My account been hack by one of the IDIOT DEVIL from Turkey.
I pray hard that God will give him a strong punishment during the judgement day.
Please guys...dont ever say hi nor F*** the person up, end up the next person is YOU..
Block me and Delete me in facebook, msn and stop sending e-mail to me..
By the way I wont be setting up any facebook account or Msn so soon yet.
Is time for me to overcome with these 2 bloody hell entertainments.
Just contact me through skype or blogspot.
If I'm not mistaken my skype also will be hack by the idiot soon, I guesssssss
Please be cooperate, if you receive any idiot msg from skype please call and let me know.
So I can immediately F*** off the Skype account.
Guys......be alert for you talk and what you think, don't stir up my fire.
and PLEASE God give you a brain not a pig's head ....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

after i saw your FB profile pic, i can guess you sure kena from those hacker already..

no matter how, faster create another facebook account oh.. cant wait to see you in FB again.