
~Learn to be Thankful~

I'm so glad and proud of myself.
Finally and finally I get rid of facebook and msn.....
Thanks to the Hacker....
Although bad things happen would lead you to depression stage, However, bad stuff will always turn to be good becauseyou trust in GOd.
After my msn, facebook and hotmail been hacked, I felt so depress due to all my entertainments gone. I prayed and asked God why it happens to me?
When during my devotion, God spoke to me....
Facebook, msn and hotmail is that so important to my life?
I still remember, I came to UK, and I told myself I must scarified something to God but other than FOOD....so I came out an idea is to FAST facebook and msn.
3 months pass, I still having fun with it and now God really took it away.......
Thank God.....I overcome it...!! Hurayyyy
Always think the positive side when bad things happen.
Learn to be Thankful in everything.......
Lord.....I love you...
Nothing can take over your place even Facebook and msn.....
God love people who are like innocent child....
and I just want to say....
Lord, here I am.....

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