Happy Birthday FGA CYC
A place where lead me back to God side
A place that build up my spiritual life
A place where I can find my life
A place where I meet everyone of YOU
A place that build up my spiritual life
A place where I can find my life
A place where I meet everyone of YOU
This is the first time, I joined CYC youth camp

The Follow-up Team, from a new member to an ordinary member,be a working member and now I'm in the leader team..Thank GOD for bringing me up from step to step
The first group that I joined....CYC (West) which about 250 people in church

I get to meet both of them after I joined CYC

The girls that I met in youth camp

Conference in Indonesia with church mates

A bunch of army of God... Bring the revival back to our church CYC

The first and ever, my sister came for youth camp. Thank God, prayer been answered!! my sister is back to church and her bf has accepted Christ.

Years back, we were just below 300!!

Below 200 people.......

Heart 3 cyc members

Right now, I;m in the new group :P

People that grew up together.....

God put every girls in my life,when I'm down

My beloved leaders....
SWeet Memory (LOVE)

Happy Birthday to CYC...Thank God for leading me to CYC and putting so many friends in my life. I miss the time with my pastors, my leaders, and my fellow friends..Although I'm miles away from you all, but my heart is always with you...! CYC...Happy Birthday...I cant believe from few little sheep in church and now is more than 1,000 people within 6 years. God, you are so great...but I'm not satisfied with the result, I want God you save my gang friends VIVA and my families....I WANT THEM, and I DON'T CARE....LORD, MY MISSION FOR YOU......