AM i???

Someone turned to me and asked
"How many friends have you?"
Why 10 or 20 friends I believe
And began to named a few...
A blessed one you are
To have so many friends
But think of what you're saying...
A friend is just not someone
To whom you say "Hello"
A friend is a tender shoulder
On which to softly cry
A well to pour your troubles down
And raise your spirits high
A friend is a hand to pull you up
From darkness and despair...
When all your other "so called" friends
Have helped to put you there
A true friend is an ally
Who can't be moved or bought
A voice to keep your name alive
When others have forgot
But most of all a friend has a true heart
For from the hearts of friends
There comes the greatest love of all!
A Friend Is Always Special
Because Friends Love You
~Good exercise~
the day we went to cheras mountain.!!
thought that we can managed climb until the top but
unfortunately we lost our determination.!!
we just managed to climb until level 3..!!
just have a look with the picture.!!
Pooi kee and ASH
the 4 of us.!!
the ODD tree..!!
tired face..!!
i love this piCTURE..!!
the narrow way...!!
we will always stick together..!! is just like this BANANA..!!
~JUST me and you~
One day you came and made me blue
Nobody close to me just you
You have the power in your eyes
Me and you
Today you left me far behind
How could I live without you tell me now?
Forever waiting for your love
You got the sun let it shine on me
Can’t get away don’t forget my tears
This is the way I feel good
Give me a reason I’ll come back to you
Fire still burning inside of me
Feel so alone with my shattered dream
try so hard stronger and free
Why don’t you want to recall what could be
Lost and afraid you’re a light for me
Open my heart wash away my fears
If I am scared you’ll take me to
A brighter place where I can run to you
If you could only believe in me
There’s nothing else to do can’t you see?
If you feel the way I live for two
We could be in heaven and our dream will come true
It has to be love spinning me round and round
It has to be love baby me and you
~the 1st and the last~
THE 1st day we went out privately
THE 1st time sharing our food and drink
THE 1st serving is drove me out for a walk
THE 1st fellowship time inside the car
THE 1st time and day you accompany me hanging out
THE 1st peace i found in you
THE 1st love is from you
THE 1st vow to each other and GOD
THE 1st sacrifice
THE safety i have in you
THE last we went out privately
THE last we sharing out food and drink
THE last serving is to drove me out for a walk
THE last fellowship time inside the car
THE last time and day you accompany me hanging out
THE peace i found in you is never end
THE 1st love is from you is never change
THE 1st vow to each other and GOD will not break
THE 1st sacrifice will last forever
THE safety you gave it to me is always here
Breaking up is the hardest thing in the wold to do.
Especially if I have to break up with you.
I wish in a way we could still be together
In the beggining we were so close,but we drifted apart and we still are.
I know that how I feel now is none of your concern, I just wish that you still cared
Sometimes I miss the love that we shared.
Breaking up is the saddest thing to do.
But anyway let GOD lead us to the place.
GOD will stay with us and plan for our future
~a vow to GOD~

dear friend,
do you feel like GOD is nudging at your heart to make a commitment to him-any sort of commitment? it's best not to put it off,you know.hey,remember what happened to me?
so, i invite you to sit down right now before GOD and consider how he may be leading you. is he asking you to give him your heart today?? is he asking you to decicate your body to him frist and abstain from sex until after marriage?? can you hear his voice speaking to you??
sometimes it helps to write this kind of promise down.then hide it away if you like,but just dont forget it.because a promise like this is important-both to you and to GOD.because you're his child,and he's always listening.
this is a story about my grandma and our..!!
“Don’t run around or you’ll fall flat to your face, you brats!” yelled my grandmother at the top of her lungs at a bunch of small brats – my cousins and I. Overdosed sugar probably. That was the life of my childhood days with my grandmother.
It was a mixed feeling of love and hate towards her that we felt at that time. Whenever we played, she would be on the watch in waiting for the next mischief we were up to. Whenever we argue among ourselves, she would stick her nose in our arguments and make the loudest noise putting all of us to silent. And whenever she asked us for a favor while we were having our own activities, we would ignore her leaving her with no choice but to sit with us, insisting that she plays along with us even though she knows nothing about our game. This in turn took away our excitement leaving us to do the favors she wanted of us earlier. That was my weird grandmother, illiterate but full of creativity when it comes to handling mischievous rats like us.
That was one of her traits besides being a caring and responsible baby-sitter when our parents were out at work. She would prepare breakfast for us, usually plain-white porridge with ‘kicap’ and salted eggs as side dishes while we were seated at the edge of the dining table. When we joked, she would threaten to tell our grandfather, a friendly but strict man – a man of his words. After our meal, she would bathe each one of us separately, put us in our respective uniforms, groomed us and finally send us off to the bus. This was her daily routine as a seventy-year-old plus woman for several years until all of us entered high school.
She would also protect us from our ‘evil’ granduncle, a brother to our beloved granddad. Unknown of the causes until now, he would always pick on us and scolds us for God-knows why reasons - especially MY COUSIN! Fortunately, he is on a walking stick so we could run further in a second than he could make step in a minute. But he had his chance whenever we were near him. He would raise his walking stick up high behind us and swing it on one of us – again usually MY COUSIN! On hearing the incident, my grandmother would always rush to him with never-ending yells and scorn, which increases when my grandfather joined forces with her after we ran to him for complaint. Well, we couldn’t say we did not enjoy the orchestraic moment.
Before we sleep, being sweet, she would come to us, tuck us under the blanket and sing the same song over and over again like a recorded tape! But most of the time she would tell us stories, fact or fiction, but usually facts, or should I say, gossips about our uncles’ and aunts’ childhood lives. At times, she would also dig out old photographs and show them to us one by one elaborating on what was happening in that particular point of time.
Reaching her eighties, she became ill all of a sudden and was showing negative improvement in her health causing her to be a little bedridden. Slowly, she recuperated slightly but never completely. That put my uncles and aunts in a state of worry. They would visit her more often at home, standing at her bedside, making jokes to make her laugh. Jokes were the ones that kept her mood lifted, hence the positive health response that followed.
It was all fine until a serious stroke hit her leaving her half-paralyzed, impairing her speech and the movement of her right side of her body permanently. Families and relatives visited her without fail everyday in the hospital and at home. She is a strong woman I should say. She survived the stroke that what seemed a little impossible to the doctor. We kept the jokes going. Finally, she managed to gain the strength to smile and chuckled at our jokes, even with the impairment taking hold of her right side. That moved me in tears. She showed courage, bravery and great determination despite being tremendously ill. I wouldn’t know if I could endure the pain and agony if I were her.
Anyway, tables have turned side now. It’s me giving back what she had given when I was young, what I needed most after the demise of my mother – love, care and attention. I spent time with her after work in the hospital everyday when I was working earlier this year. The person that had shown unfailing love when we were young will now reap what she has sown into our lives – unconditional love. Time will not be long before we could miss her. A person who brought up twelve children and ten grandchildren will be a person that will leave warm memories into each and every heart of the family. A great wife, a loving mother and a caring grandmother is what we’re proud to have!
Love you grandma!
Continue to be strong! =’)
It was a mixed feeling of love and hate towards her that we felt at that time. Whenever we played, she would be on the watch in waiting for the next mischief we were up to. Whenever we argue among ourselves, she would stick her nose in our arguments and make the loudest noise putting all of us to silent. And whenever she asked us for a favor while we were having our own activities, we would ignore her leaving her with no choice but to sit with us, insisting that she plays along with us even though she knows nothing about our game. This in turn took away our excitement leaving us to do the favors she wanted of us earlier. That was my weird grandmother, illiterate but full of creativity when it comes to handling mischievous rats like us.
That was one of her traits besides being a caring and responsible baby-sitter when our parents were out at work. She would prepare breakfast for us, usually plain-white porridge with ‘kicap’ and salted eggs as side dishes while we were seated at the edge of the dining table. When we joked, she would threaten to tell our grandfather, a friendly but strict man – a man of his words. After our meal, she would bathe each one of us separately, put us in our respective uniforms, groomed us and finally send us off to the bus. This was her daily routine as a seventy-year-old plus woman for several years until all of us entered high school.
She would also protect us from our ‘evil’ granduncle, a brother to our beloved granddad. Unknown of the causes until now, he would always pick on us and scolds us for God-knows why reasons - especially MY COUSIN! Fortunately, he is on a walking stick so we could run further in a second than he could make step in a minute. But he had his chance whenever we were near him. He would raise his walking stick up high behind us and swing it on one of us – again usually MY COUSIN! On hearing the incident, my grandmother would always rush to him with never-ending yells and scorn, which increases when my grandfather joined forces with her after we ran to him for complaint. Well, we couldn’t say we did not enjoy the orchestraic moment.
Before we sleep, being sweet, she would come to us, tuck us under the blanket and sing the same song over and over again like a recorded tape! But most of the time she would tell us stories, fact or fiction, but usually facts, or should I say, gossips about our uncles’ and aunts’ childhood lives. At times, she would also dig out old photographs and show them to us one by one elaborating on what was happening in that particular point of time.
Reaching her eighties, she became ill all of a sudden and was showing negative improvement in her health causing her to be a little bedridden. Slowly, she recuperated slightly but never completely. That put my uncles and aunts in a state of worry. They would visit her more often at home, standing at her bedside, making jokes to make her laugh. Jokes were the ones that kept her mood lifted, hence the positive health response that followed.
It was all fine until a serious stroke hit her leaving her half-paralyzed, impairing her speech and the movement of her right side of her body permanently. Families and relatives visited her without fail everyday in the hospital and at home. She is a strong woman I should say. She survived the stroke that what seemed a little impossible to the doctor. We kept the jokes going. Finally, she managed to gain the strength to smile and chuckled at our jokes, even with the impairment taking hold of her right side. That moved me in tears. She showed courage, bravery and great determination despite being tremendously ill. I wouldn’t know if I could endure the pain and agony if I were her.
Anyway, tables have turned side now. It’s me giving back what she had given when I was young, what I needed most after the demise of my mother – love, care and attention. I spent time with her after work in the hospital everyday when I was working earlier this year. The person that had shown unfailing love when we were young will now reap what she has sown into our lives – unconditional love. Time will not be long before we could miss her. A person who brought up twelve children and ten grandchildren will be a person that will leave warm memories into each and every heart of the family. A great wife, a loving mother and a caring grandmother is what we’re proud to have!
Love you grandma!
Continue to be strong! =’)
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