well...i been to 1 of the adventure game that is organized by my church FGA...!! is darn fun...happy....scare and cool..!! well picture not going to post right now..!! next blog i guess..!! kinda lazy to wait the picture load ..!! well i've learn many thing in this camp...such like grab 5 frog using your both hands...(thats scary moment) imagine that you are standing around with those frog i guess got 50 frogs...!! darn gerli man..!! still got many adventure games that i not dare to play..!! but too bad we forcing to play..! hmm...seriously i over my capacity..!! i step out this step to over my limit..! darn YING..!! anyways almost 2 days i didnt even slept more than 5 hours..!! I really never expected i will help hui wen (my pet sister) pray while 6 in the morning..!! and fellowship with all my friends..!! i really happy to talk to them and build up our relationship...because of that i sick for 3 days..!! fever,cough,flu and headache...!! i suffer almost 3 days..!! i skip my business computing class again...!! i guess i going to skip my class tomorrow again..!! by the way thanks for everyone that beside me to chill me out...take care me and pray for me..!! thank alot..especially my gang of friends..!! love you GUYZ...muackkx..!! tracy take care are in singapore now..take care of yourself hope you can feel GOD is beside you...!! guyz drink more water...dont hope you guyz fall sick too..!! ciozz..!!
~picture of my gang of fam~
this the picture that we took at MElaka and P.D with my gang family on 17/5/07..!! ENJOY
ah ma,pui san,py and ASH
we just reached Melaka
yea..!! the 2nd times i sat..!!
me and py sat together..!!

not really nice view..!! cause im rushing to the other place..!!
family trips..!!
the 5 of us..!!
the 6 idiot
focus...!! we are inside the pic..!!
the 5 idiots..!!
6 models.!! idiot cool..!!
Melaka beach..!! damn dirty..!!

she blocking the view

on the way to P.D
the gang of ku ku emperor
yea..!! we at P.D ...!! going to play banana boat.!!
going off soon...!!
DAMN syok..!
falling down..!!
the deep sea..!!
freaking tired
next round dude..!!
anyways stop posting already..!! im freaking tired now.!! ciaoz..!!
~i love DANCE~
all along my hobby is dancing..! but last night my mummy stoped me for going dancing class...i tried to talked to her she dont i cant control my temper..i just shouted at her..!! WHATS the problem ?? she keep saying financial problem..!! actually she wanted me to concentrate on my study ....but the 1 hour dance didnt effect anything..!! guyz...should i go work to earn money and continue my dance?? now i try not to hang out with friend so oftenly..!! always saving money from them..!! last few days i took 300 buck from my daddy..he tot i use all my money ...!! actually half of that i give for the camp sister keep taking money from me..what should i do?? 1 week 50 or 30 buck is not enough for me..!! but i already try not to use too much..but sometime is force to take out the money..!! especially my daddy...he keep on use the CAR to fight with me..!! i didnt even call them to buy a new car (viva) for me...i just need a small car or any car thats can travel to school and back is really okie for me..!! i dont need the best...i just want to do whatever i want...!! i want to learn piano,guitar and DANCE..!! but why always stop me from that..!! i stop my basketball ...i stop my volleyball and every sport..!! i really dont have anything that i can do in my freetime...!! GOD i always pray for my financial problem..but why is still the same..!! YA i admit compare to my friends i consider rich..!! but i want is my mummy can support me on my DANCE,PIANO AND GUITAR...i dont think so is financial problem..!! i dont know why they stop me from that..! GOD talk to my mum..!! GOD let me dance to glorify you..!! i know you will help me out from this.!! crying for the 2 months
all along my hobby is dancing..! but last night my mummy stoped me for going dancing class...i tried to talked to her she dont i cant control my temper..i just shouted at her..!! WHATS the problem ?? she keep saying financial problem..!! actually she wanted me to concentrate on my study ....but the 1 hour dance didnt effect anything..!! guyz...should i go work to earn money and continue my dance?? now i try not to hang out with friend so oftenly..!! always saving money from them..!! last few days i took 300 buck from my daddy..he tot i use all my money ...!! actually half of that i give for the camp sister keep taking money from me..what should i do?? 1 week 50 or 30 buck is not enough for me..!! but i already try not to use too much..but sometime is force to take out the money..!! especially my daddy...he keep on use the CAR to fight with me..!! i didnt even call them to buy a new car (viva) for me...i just need a small car or any car thats can travel to school and back is really okie for me..!! i dont need the best...i just want to do whatever i want...!! i want to learn piano,guitar and DANCE..!! but why always stop me from that..!! i stop my basketball ...i stop my volleyball and every sport..!! i really dont have anything that i can do in my freetime...!! GOD i always pray for my financial problem..but why is still the same..!! YA i admit compare to my friends i consider rich..!! but i want is my mummy can support me on my DANCE,PIANO AND GUITAR...i dont think so is financial problem..!! i dont know why they stop me from that..! GOD talk to my mum..!! GOD let me dance to glorify you..!! i know you will help me out from this.!! crying for the 2 months
~moody and emo~
not going to post any picture from MElaka de..!! next blog only post..!! well this few days i dont know what is happening to me..!! when i came back from PD and Melaka...i didnt even try to contact 1 of my gang of friends..!! i dont know why i become like this..! i really no idea what is happening..!! i most remember the day is at 18/5/07 this is the day i 1st times pray and worship with JH until 5 something in the morning..!! when i talk to jh about my feeling i keep crying on the phone..!! i keep praying for a years ... GOD please save all my friends (especially my gang) out of the devil..!! they controlling by the devil..! i keep praying with jh and my tear rolled down easily..!! i dont dare to share YOUR words to my friends..!! they will said me bullshit..! i really wanna try to give up everything.. the adventure camp is coming, i really dont know what happen my heart is totally not desperate to go..!! but when that night i pray and worship GOD told me not to give up..!! HE put me into this gang because HE want me be the seed..!! GOD i really give everything to you...i really pray that you will make use of me to talk to them..!! FRIENDS..!! the next day pooi kee and her friends is follow me to know is a very very amazing ?? when i saw we praise and worship that times they raise their hands and worship...when we pray they close thier eyes..!! OH GOD...are you seriously answer my prayer?? GOSH....i darn touch..i cried out ..!! when a girl that always rejected me to church..but this time is really different and totally different..! YOU ARE THE AMAZING GOD..!! really pray that GOD you will make use of me to influent other of my friends.!! i really hope my gang of friends 1 day will accepted christ.... OH YA my mummy pray..!! she been sick for few days ago..!! and i keep going to church to do my things...i pray that GOD you will send an angel to take care her and bless her..!! pray that GOD you will look after my mum..!! i give my family and my friends to you..! GOD i gave you my all and all..!! THANK YOU GOD! got to go is the 1st times im going to CITY HARVEST church..!! may GOD bless me..!! BYEZ
MORNING darn exciting now..!! im going out station with my whole gang friends later...!! damn happy now.!! suppose my mummy not allow...THANK GOD...finally my mummy talked to my daddy and they let me go.!! yea yea yea..!! but now i still thinking next friday should i go for the Alor Gajah adventure camp?? cause im facing many exam and work to do..!! i think thats a excuses...!! cause i keep on playing infront of the pc and watching tv in this sem break..!! i didnt even bother to touch those idiotic books..!! i really very very hope i can get good result in my studies..!! but why i always no action on it..!! not going to put effort on it.!! GOSH..i need someone help..!! i need someone to guide me ..!! sigh..!! anwyays yesterday i really very very happy...!! i went out with pk,py and tracy..!! although just a cup of tea ...but we used to chit chat about something that very fun and interesting..!! well...really thank alot pk..!! she help me out many problem that i cant slove it.!! welll py too..!! really thank alot you guyz..!! if not im emo for all the way...!! i just met a new friend..!! he also in FGACYC..!! his name is jacky..well i also thank him that he chat with me when im emo ...!! anyways nice to meet you dude..!! sem break going to finish..!! going to put more effort...i think i cant even go out oftenly hope that my gang of friends may understand my situation ..espeically ah ma..@@ take care guyz..!! my friends reached..!! blog tomorrow with those nice and cool pictures.!! byez..!! going MELAKA....have fun ya..!! darn exciting now..!! im going out station with my whole gang friends later...!! damn happy now.!! suppose my mummy not allow...THANK GOD...finally my mummy talked to my daddy and they let me go.!! yea yea yea..!! but now i still thinking next friday should i go for the Alor Gajah adventure camp?? cause im facing many exam and work to do..!! i think thats a excuses...!! cause i keep on playing infront of the pc and watching tv in this sem break..!! i didnt even bother to touch those idiotic books..!! i really very very hope i can get good result in my studies..!! but why i always no action on it..!! not going to put effort on it.!! GOSH..i need someone help..!! i need someone to guide me ..!! sigh..!! anwyays yesterday i really very very happy...!! i went out with pk,py and tracy..!! although just a cup of tea ...but we used to chit chat about something that very fun and interesting..!! well...really thank alot pk..!! she help me out many problem that i cant slove it.!! welll py too..!! really thank alot you guyz..!! if not im emo for all the way...!! i just met a new friend..!! he also in FGACYC..!! his name is jacky..well i also thank him that he chat with me when im emo ...!! anyways nice to meet you dude..!! sem break going to finish..!! going to put more effort...i think i cant even go out oftenly hope that my gang of friends may understand my situation ..espeically ah ma..@@ take care guyz..!! my friends reached..!! blog tomorrow with those nice and cool pictures.!! byez..!! going MELAKA....have fun ya..!!
~mummy days~

12/5/2007 today our church having a mummy days event..!! i invited my mummy come to have a look ....well i really very very happy cause my mummy willing to follow me to church..!! actually she need to sleep early...cause 4a.m she need to get up and get ready to KLIA...!! but my mum still willing to go with me..!! love ya..!! after praise and worship we have 1 session is to give present to mummy..!! when (pen shou kor) called every mother to stood up and called us to give mum though i didnt bought anything for her..!! i walk away silently after i saw everyone mummy receive their present ...i saw my mummy like very disappointed..!! so i faster ran out and gave her the cake...!! eeeee..!! mummy so touch..!! me and my mummy hug each other and cried...when pastor told us something..!! damn touch..!! although my mummy going out station later but she still accompany me to church...hmm....such a nice mummy that i have...!! miss you alot mum..!! TAKE CARE when we not beside you...!! MISS YOU ALOT ..!!
me and my mummy...!! muackxx..!! we wear the same colour shirt..!!
my TAI KOR...kah sing giving his testimonial..!! oh my GOSH so many people cried..!! including my mummy and me..!! touching story...!!
stupid for his mummy
mummy and all my cell group member..!!
funny pic..!!
1 of the new members mummy
bo bo mummy..!! such a cute mummy he has...!!
jin quan family..!!
jen jen mummy..!!
miao miao mummy..!!
the hotest mummy...!! robin (gary) mummy
WEST...!! my cell group members..!!
our zone leader..!!
GOD thank for bringing me to this church ...

well...lets talk about 8/5/2007 is my lovely pet sister 21 birthday..!! she is my gang of family.!! we celebrate with her on monday night 11 something..!! we plan to have a party for her at cheras and count down for her..!! actually we have our dinner with her..but too bad she going to genting with her ex..!!luckily she promise us she will be back at 11...!! so we plan to take away our delicious pizza and drinks ...we went to cheras and set up everything..!! we bought almost 5 packets of candle light..!! and we put all over the place..!! and form her name in the middle of the park..!! IN the 1st place i really thousand thank you to pooi kee my lovely buddy and my dear ee woon..!! in the whole afternoon they maked 600 balloons... that moment they suffering im studying ah ma working and py is doing her own thing at house..!! when i saw those balloon that flying all over the place is like wow..!! is super super romantic..!! FOR me LAH...!! their both hands is swollen and hurt....really thank you..!! i really wanna to thank pooi kee..!! she is the 1 do everything in this party..!! she is the organizer..!! but other members we also done our best while at night..!!we complete everything smoothly ...!! this is the touching party..!! well dont admire and adore our family gang...!! i just wanna leave a message to everyone here..!! appreciate friendship...!! if you find a true friends please hold them tide..!! i really really very thank GOD that letting me to met such a greateful and nice gang friends..!! i really never though that im so well being....i really appreciate guyz what you have done to me..!! ehh...why i talk until this party is for me..!! haha..EeEEee!! anyways have a look with those picture..!! we sucessfull to maked such a meaningfull birthday card for her and also party..!! i swear 80% of the people will admire that card and this party..!! seriously..!! have a look with those picture..!! before that the pictures not clear and nice enought but guyz imagine while you at there ..!! PUI SAN HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....!! 21 BIRTHDAY HAS TURN HOPE YOU ENJOY WHAT WE GAVE YOU AND WHAT WE DONE FOR YOU..!! HOPE YOU WILL REMEMBER IN YOUR MIND ALWAYS AND ALWAYS..LOVE YOU MUACKXX...!!
BEfore we going to buy our delicious pizza..!!

the mean face of me..!! beside me is the birthday girl..!! MUACKX

the baby and ME..!! cute right??
the pig and the hamster..!!

did you see the love shape with the alphabet?? PS?? is her name..!!

a part of it..!!
in the middle of the name is the chocolate cheess cake..!!
we love you PUI SAN
this is the front page of the birthday card..!! im the 1 in the blue background and long hair..!!
this is our basketball jersey number..!! im number 9..!! inside the jersey have our message to her..!!

this is the story that how we get to know each other until now..!!

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