hey guyz i going to hong kong soon..!! still got 4 hours to countdown..!! well guyz must miss me...cause i miss you guyz so much..!! although going for few days...but my heart is like cant live without you guyz nia..!! eeeee..anyways today cell group talk bout sexual thing..!! is like wow..!! now i only know having bf is so troublesome..!! haha..eeee..!! better walk in GOD way..!! dont think bout relationship..!! suddenly feel that our cell group today very very nice and cool..!! those working members you guyz really done a great job..!! cheer k..!! after cell group went to bangsar have my luxury dinner with my parent..!! wow...i starting put on weight again..!! cause go hong kong for 5 days almost eat HAO LIAO thing..!! argh...!! anyways i gtg pack my thing..! miss you guyz so much..!! will buy souvenier to you guyz..!! love you so much..!! all my lovely firends..!! remember to take care yourself..!! and drink more water..!! working members and my leader must drive carefully always..!! my dear gang friends..!! must take care yourself..!! drink more water ...!! and my college friends..!! study hard k..!! you guyz will always keep in my prayer ..!! love you..!! BYEZ FRIEDNS....LEAVING MALAYSIA SOON
~happy days ~
eeeeee....friday night i skip cell group cause got to rush back home to make up myself..cause going to prom night with esther mei mei,sherman,tim chi and jun hoe..!! emm...i dont know what to said..!! actually is a church event and i really dont know why they make it like clubbing...!! actually is having fun for the last programme...!! i was like shocked..!! 1st time been to this kind of event..! but anyways quite nice tho..!! eeeee.....saturday mean today ....is JI HERNG...my BUDDY..!! birthday..!! yeah...he turn to be 18 lu.....tai kor zai already...!! luckily im stilll 17 plus..!! still young still young..!! anyways after my japanese class i met up with edwin and him around 3 something..!! opss so sorry make you guyz wait me for half an hours plus..!! after that i brought them to chilis to mum mum..!! hmm...yummy..!! molten choclate cake and lamb shoulder..!! wow...super super full..!! arghh....luckily not so expensive 3 of us eat only 60 buck...cause we order 3 dishes only..!! we plan to go eat hagen darz the what chocolate fruit..!! but at last we cancel the plan..!! eeee...anyways very happy too...he bought me a necklace and also a keychain..!! is ULTRAMAN..!! so so so happy..!! eeeeee...!! by the way not to said much...!! have a look some picture that i took at mamak with my church members..!! after our service..!! see you guyz..!!

eeeeee....friday night i skip cell group cause got to rush back home to make up myself..cause going to prom night with esther mei mei,sherman,tim chi and jun hoe..!! emm...i dont know what to said..!! actually is a church event and i really dont know why they make it like clubbing...!! actually is having fun for the last programme...!! i was like shocked..!! 1st time been to this kind of event..! but anyways quite nice tho..!! eeeee.....saturday mean today ....is JI HERNG...my BUDDY..!! birthday..!! yeah...he turn to be 18 lu.....tai kor zai already...!! luckily im stilll 17 plus..!! still young still young..!! anyways after my japanese class i met up with edwin and him around 3 something..!! opss so sorry make you guyz wait me for half an hours plus..!! after that i brought them to chilis to mum mum..!! hmm...yummy..!! molten choclate cake and lamb shoulder..!! wow...super super full..!! arghh....luckily not so expensive 3 of us eat only 60 buck...cause we order 3 dishes only..!! we plan to go eat hagen darz the what chocolate fruit..!! but at last we cancel the plan..!! eeee...anyways very happy too...he bought me a necklace and also a keychain..!! is ULTRAMAN..!! so so so happy..!! eeeeee...!! by the way not to said much...!! have a look some picture that i took at mamak with my church members..!! after our service..!! see you guyz..!!

esther and ashley

prom night..!!
this the church event..so call prom night..!!
edwin and ashley in chilis..!!
birthday BOY..!!
the sot sot jen jen...!!
cute woon woon..and ashley..!!
eeeee....so call..!! "gary"...but he actually is my little dear robin..!! GUITAR XI FU..!!

the cute jing quan..!!

we look like idiot right?? haha..!! my little cute robin..!!
my cutest chubby wei wei..!!

my cute cute ai ai..!!

my little DAVID..!! super chubby..!!
cool victor..!!

my TAI KOR..!! he helped me out many thing..!! thank alot dear..!!

my sweet lucas..!!

this the guyz always teasing at me..! so sad..!!
the lei and the bo...!!
eeeee....yo yo ASHLEY in de mamak..!!
OH MY GOSh....my tai kor kah sing...!! so sad..!! never capture photo with him..!! eeeee..!! angry angry..!!
wow..!! today when to have lunch with sister at MD..!! suddenly ah ma and pk said wanna find me yum cha..!! so we chat for a while ...pk suddenly said wanna go titiwangsa the eye on malaysia..!! so we straight away called py,zai zai,chee wei and celica go..!! wow..!! quite fun..!! but not that nice..!! okie only la..!! but cant even see the whole KL..!! *&^*&^..!! anyways have a look with those picture..!! just upload some...going to upload in next blog..!! see you guyz..!! love ya..!
wow..!! today when to have lunch with sister at MD..!! suddenly ah ma and pk said wanna find me yum cha..!! so we chat for a while ...pk suddenly said wanna go titiwangsa the eye on malaysia..!! so we straight away called py,zai zai,chee wei and celica go..!! wow..!! quite fun..!! but not that nice..!! okie only la..!! but cant even see the whole KL..!! *&^*&^..!! anyways have a look with those picture..!! just upload some...going to upload in next blog..!! see you guyz..!! love ya..!
KING,2ND king and ah ma..!!
on the way to titiwangsa
3 cutie girl~!!
where is celica and pk?
DANCING queen and king..!!
at the TOP...!!nothing to see also..!!
KL city..!!
CEliCA and AsHLeY
me and tracy ...!! before b.s class start..!!
3 piggie in de class..!!
i freaking angry ..!! now in my life i dont even feel any friends beside me..!! what gang friend is this?? freaking angry man..!! damn..!! now i expressing my feeling here..!! now im going insane..!! dont ever call me and nudge me.!! you may get shoot on me..!!
i freaking angry ..!! now in my life i dont even feel any friends beside me..!! what gang friend is this?? freaking angry man..!! damn..!! now i expressing my feeling here..!! now im going insane..!! dont ever call me and nudge me.!! you may get shoot on me..!!
to all my gang friend..!! PUI YEN DAISY POOI KEE PUI SAN CHOIEY CHI..!! i have no idea with it.!! i just know im giving you guyz pressure and everything..!! OKIE..!! i have nothing to said..!! i dont know what the heck im typing now..!! i just now im FREAKING MAD ON ALL OF YOU GUYZ..!! everything i said is BULLSHIT here...!! just fine..!! just to express my feeling here..!! ^& T#*&^$(#*&*$)#*(#)*#)( YOU..!! I DONT KNOW WHY YOU WILL JOINING THIS FAMILY..!! BECAUSE YOU IN....MAKE ME BECOME INSANE...!! BECAUSE OF YOUR PIGGIE BOLD HEAD...!! DARN....DONT PRETEND YOU ARE BETTER THAN ME..!! now im FREAKING HORRIBLE NOW..!! IM LIKE DEVIL..!! HELP ME OUT OF THIS ..!!
wow....last night i was very shock man..!! we win "pro spot" 60 over points..!! but too bad i sick...coach dont let me play..!! but i did to play for 3 min...!! haha..!! eeeee...in 3 min get 3 faults..!! hmm..!! eeeee....lets talk bout today..!! went to klcc pc fair..!! super crowded..!! super tired and super lame...!! early in the morning 10.30 wait for the entrance door open and rush in to buy the pen drive..becuase 1st 100 customers only can get rm9.90 per 1..!! me and my sister like "siao kia" run all the way there to queue up..!! eeeee...GOD bless...we get it de..!! yeah..!! wow i tell you freaking suffering man..!! i keep on sneezing and my mucus keep on dripping..!! oh my goodness i keep on using so many packets of tissue..!! hmm...today my mummy and daddy spend alot of money in this pc fair..!! over 6000 thousand..!! oh my GOSH..!! if i work partime i think i need 6 to 7 month to get this amount..!! anyways today we bought many stuff...if i list out you also will shock out..! 6000 can buy so many nice thing..!! lets see the item :(2 samsung handphone..!! 1 for mummy 1 for me..!! 3G...!! chun chun... notebook for my sister...6 pen drive 1 LCD screen....2 notebook cooling pad....mp4...speaker...mouse....memory card....blank CD....3 notebook digital locker...i think thats all kua...!! ) haha...eeeeee.....quite happy quite sad tho..!! now need to save money de...!! cause we keep on spending alot of money without thinking..!! now we must spend widely..!! my kelisa is coming by next 2 weeks ...yeah...can drive to college de..!! hmm...and i going to do part time job next month in midvally echo park..!!(see this time i can stand for 3 month or not ..but now still wondering wanna to work or not...) give some opinion guyz..!!) dont worry i wont skip my service..!! GOD is the 1st places inside my heart..!! nothing is important than HIM..!! hmm...gtg finish up my tutorial question..!! see you guyz..!! love ya..!!
wow....last night i was very shock man..!! we win "pro spot" 60 over points..!! but too bad i sick...coach dont let me play..!! but i did to play for 3 min...!! haha..!! eeeee...in 3 min get 3 faults..!! hmm..!! eeeee....lets talk bout today..!! went to klcc pc fair..!! super crowded..!! super tired and super lame...!! early in the morning 10.30 wait for the entrance door open and rush in to buy the pen drive..becuase 1st 100 customers only can get rm9.90 per 1..!! me and my sister like "siao kia" run all the way there to queue up..!! eeeee...GOD bless...we get it de..!! yeah..!! wow i tell you freaking suffering man..!! i keep on sneezing and my mucus keep on dripping..!! oh my goodness i keep on using so many packets of tissue..!! hmm...today my mummy and daddy spend alot of money in this pc fair..!! over 6000 thousand..!! oh my GOSH..!! if i work partime i think i need 6 to 7 month to get this amount..!! anyways today we bought many stuff...if i list out you also will shock out..! 6000 can buy so many nice thing..!! lets see the item :(2 samsung handphone..!! 1 for mummy 1 for me..!! 3G...!! chun chun... notebook for my sister...6 pen drive 1 LCD screen....2 notebook cooling pad....mp4...speaker...mouse....memory card....blank CD....3 notebook digital locker...i think thats all kua...!! ) haha...eeeeee.....quite happy quite sad tho..!! now need to save money de...!! cause we keep on spending alot of money without thinking..!! now we must spend widely..!! my kelisa is coming by next 2 weeks ...yeah...can drive to college de..!! hmm...and i going to do part time job next month in midvally echo park..!!(see this time i can stand for 3 month or not ..but now still wondering wanna to work or not...) give some opinion guyz..!!) dont worry i wont skip my service..!! GOD is the 1st places inside my heart..!! nothing is important than HIM..!! hmm...gtg finish up my tutorial question..!! see you guyz..!! love ya..!!
~coming toward me~
today is a very tired day...!! reached college at 8.30 in the morning.!! went back at 5.30..!! oh my GOSH..!! now my studying times is just like an office hour times..!! quite suffering tho..!! well this just the 1st sem...i really cant imagine how i going to complete all the sem and also subject...getting more and more white hair.!! horrible..!! after my college...i fetched tracy,lucas(my 2 siao siao),jh and edwin too..!! they 1st time came to our cell group..!! yea..!! i feel happy dont know why...feel that GOD is making use on me to encourage friends to become christian...!! yeah yeah yeah...!! happy yoo...!! tired..!! after fetched them home ...me,robin and phooi yee went to 2nd round kinrara yum cha again..!! i've told them many thing that about all my friends and also my college life style..!! dont know what make me feel so happy can yum cha with themm..!! feel very glad..!! anyways after cell group many thing is coming toward me..! i dont know why suddenly feel everyone is angrying me and argueing with me in every friendship thing..!! OH MY GOSH..!! now i feel to express my feeling..!! arghh..!! no energy....!! too tired already...tomorrow need to skip service again...feel guilty..cause i got basketball competition again..!! thats my last match..!! hope everything going smoothly..!! GOD i need your help now..! THANK..!! see ya friends take care and sorry to everyone that i've done wrong.! CiAOZZ
im stupid la ...today no class can stay at home sleep till afternoon but i woke up at 7 o clock then come to college and do nothing..!! aikss...stupid only..!! today whole day staying at college dont know what to do..!! my friend they working today..leave me alone..!! oh my gosh..!! i really dont know what can i do here..!! should i go home?? izzit waste petrol ...?? anyways dont care la..!! come here study and do my homework..!! when i become so hardworking..?? hmm....anyways i freaking bored now..!! who wanna i accompany just call me and let me know..! i available every single min..!!ONLY TODAY..!! guyz wanna practice dance ?? i freaking bORED....GET OFF NOW
im stupid la ...today no class can stay at home sleep till afternoon but i woke up at 7 o clock then come to college and do nothing..!! aikss...stupid only..!! today whole day staying at college dont know what to do..!! my friend they working today..leave me alone..!! oh my gosh..!! i really dont know what can i do here..!! should i go home?? izzit waste petrol ...?? anyways dont care la..!! come here study and do my homework..!! when i become so hardworking..?? hmm....anyways i freaking bored now..!! who wanna i accompany just call me and let me know..! i available every single min..!!ONLY TODAY..!! guyz wanna practice dance ?? i freaking bORED....GET OFF NOW
~GOD vision~
well...last night is an easter day ..!! JESUS IS ALIVE...!! our church fga form a drama by theirself..!! is such a nice drama..!! i invited few of my friends came to my church too...!! (tracy,lucas,jazz,sherman,edwin,jun hoe and tim chi) im so happy that GOD make use on me..!! everything is going smoothly..!! they very enjoy to watched the drama and have fun at there..! most happy that saw tracy is accepted christ..!! she very brave stand infront to GOD and commit herself to GOD..!! is really a good starting for her..!! i also very happy that edwin is joined our cell group...!! sherman also very happy came to our church..!! anyways GOD thank you so much that making use on me..!! GOD now i only knew what the vision..!! today pei yee our group leader came and talk to me about how am i going to face my future thing..!! now i only know relationship to me is not important..!! GOD now i wanted to walk your way..!! thank for bringing an angle to me to leading my way..!! i have no regret..!! i will always follow YOUR way..!! guyz really thank you that you scarified your precious times to me and came to my church..!! thank you so much..!! GOD blessed all of you..!! love ya..!!
well...last night is an easter day ..!! JESUS IS ALIVE...!! our church fga form a drama by theirself..!! is such a nice drama..!! i invited few of my friends came to my church too...!! (tracy,lucas,jazz,sherman,edwin,jun hoe and tim chi) im so happy that GOD make use on me..!! everything is going smoothly..!! they very enjoy to watched the drama and have fun at there..! most happy that saw tracy is accepted christ..!! she very brave stand infront to GOD and commit herself to GOD..!! is really a good starting for her..!! i also very happy that edwin is joined our cell group...!! sherman also very happy came to our church..!! anyways GOD thank you so much that making use on me..!! GOD now i only knew what the vision..!! today pei yee our group leader came and talk to me about how am i going to face my future thing..!! now i only know relationship to me is not important..!! GOD now i wanted to walk your way..!! thank for bringing an angle to me to leading my way..!! i have no regret..!! i will always follow YOUR way..!! guyz really thank you that you scarified your precious times to me and came to my church..!! thank you so much..!! GOD blessed all of you..!! love ya..!!
~life college~
this few days i really having fun with all my college mate..!! funny,nice and cute..!! almost everytime me,siao kia,siao za bo,justin,pui san,eric and jazz have lunch together...!! as usual...!! CF..!! cham fan..!! economic rice..!! for us...delicious,cheap and nice too..!! althought quite bored with that..!! but quite nice too..!! well...today 1st times went to gym with siao kia,siao za bo and deborah..!! hehee...!! very fun to play tho..!! keep took few pictures inside the gym..!! let you guyz admire how nice is LIFE college..!! hernn...!! dont admire so much..you guyz wont have this kind of facility...!! after going gym me and siao kia went to suanna..!! wow cool..!! so relaxing man.!! till we forgot the locker code and also forgot justin and siao za bo waiting us at outside..!! haha..!! so sorry guyz..!! after we done our thing i think they waited us almost 1 hour..!! and also justin car has kenal saman..!! so sorry ..!! because of our late...!! aiya..!! apologize to justin..!! by the way justin 1st day got his new car..!! guyz buy totol k?? dont forget..!! 20 buck big 20 buck small..!! if win all threated by restaurant friday..! (IF LAH)....!! impossible....!! today really having alot of fun with them..!! especially at the live there..!! siao za bao and justin laught until they reached fifth floor i also heard thier laughting voice..!! HAHAhahahaha..!1 OH MY GOSH..!! embrassing..!! by the way i dont know what is happening and i stun there..!! LIFE college is such a happiness college to me..!! because of you GUYZ..!! my FRIENDs..!!
this few days i really having fun with all my college mate..!! funny,nice and cute..!! almost everytime me,siao kia,siao za bo,justin,pui san,eric and jazz have lunch together...!! as usual...!! CF..!! cham fan..!! economic rice..!! for us...delicious,cheap and nice too..!! althought quite bored with that..!! but quite nice too..!! well...today 1st times went to gym with siao kia,siao za bo and deborah..!! hehee...!! very fun to play tho..!! keep took few pictures inside the gym..!! let you guyz admire how nice is LIFE college..!! hernn...!! dont admire so much..you guyz wont have this kind of facility...!! after going gym me and siao kia went to suanna..!! wow cool..!! so relaxing man.!! till we forgot the locker code and also forgot justin and siao za bo waiting us at outside..!! haha..!! so sorry guyz..!! after we done our thing i think they waited us almost 1 hour..!! and also justin car has kenal saman..!! so sorry ..!! because of our late...!! aiya..!! apologize to justin..!! by the way justin 1st day got his new car..!! guyz buy totol k?? dont forget..!! 20 buck big 20 buck small..!! if win all threated by restaurant friday..! (IF LAH)....!! impossible....!! today really having alot of fun with them..!! especially at the live there..!! siao za bao and justin laught until they reached fifth floor i also heard thier laughting voice..!! HAHAhahahaha..!1 OH MY GOSH..!! embrassing..!! by the way i dont know what is happening and i stun there..!! LIFE college is such a happiness college to me..!! because of you GUYZ..!! my FRIENDs..!!
siao kia,siao za bo,deborah and ME
our cool FACE...!! SUXX LA
cam whoring in da boxing room..!! lol...
funny PIC
wow....so happy 1st time blog at school lap...!! haha...eeeee!! well today many work to do...!! argh....but very happy i knew 2 girls from hong kong..!! haha..!! their cantonese and mine is quite same..!! so you guyz know my cantonese how fluent la..!! haahha...eeee!! anyways today quite happy tho..!! went to lunch with tracy,eunice,jazz,justin and locus...!! well too bad deborah not joining us...!! we keep on chit chatting at the mamak there till we forget our class time..!! luckily we didnt late ...!! anyways today get to learn many new stuff..@@ ..!! my brain getting to over load already...!! well...although many thing to do and think..but i didnt even regret taking this courses...!! hope everything go smoothly on my studies...!! see ya guyz soon...gtg home now..!! see ya guyz
wow....so happy 1st time blog at school lap...!! haha...eeeee!! well today many work to do...!! argh....but very happy i knew 2 girls from hong kong..!! haha..!! their cantonese and mine is quite same..!! so you guyz know my cantonese how fluent la..!! haahha...eeee!! anyways today quite happy tho..!! went to lunch with tracy,eunice,jazz,justin and locus...!! well too bad deborah not joining us...!! we keep on chit chatting at the mamak there till we forget our class time..!! luckily we didnt late ...!! anyways today get to learn many new stuff..@@ ..!! my brain getting to over load already...!! well...although many thing to do and think..but i didnt even regret taking this courses...!! hope everything go smoothly on my studies...!! see ya guyz soon...gtg home now..!! see ya guyz
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